Saturday, March 21, 2009

Hall Voltage versus Varying Current

Hall Voltage versus Varying Current
Drive and Magnetic Field

PH360 – Section 012

In an effort to become familiar with the Hall Effect, a commercial
Hall probe was to be investigated and experimented with.
Observations were to be made as to how Hall voltage varies with
a constant magnetic field and varying drive currents. Additionally,
the effect of a varying magnetic field (angle between the Hall
probe and the magnetic source) on a Hall probe of constant
current was to be measured.

Graph 1: Hall Voltage Produced Versus Current

Graph 2: Theoretical and Experimental Hall Voltage Versus Angle

In an effort to become familiar with the Hall Effect, a commercial
Hall probe was investigated and experimented with. Observations
of the voltage variation with a constant magnetic field and varying
drive currents proved a direct proportionality between current and
the Hall voltage as predicted. Additionally, the effect of a varying
magnetic field (angle between the Hall probe and the magnetic
source) on a Hall probe of constant current was observed and
compared to theoretical expectations. Strong correlation between
both parts of the experiment and the theoretical model

proved that said model was an accurate approximation of the
Hall Effect.

Source ( pdf )

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